l/r survival questions

I just added some l/r to the tank about three weeks ago and I would like to know if it is doing ok or not. How do you know if the rock is dead or alive? Right now it's covered in brown algea.


Active Member
if it is coveredin a brown algae, you are on your way to getting there, it is the first stage in your algae cycle, you may get an infestation, this may be controlled with snails or an algae eating fish or both, brown algae is a good sign on new rock
[ December 12, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]
I had the same problem its normal. Im starting my 6th week and just about all the brown algae has disappeared. Im still looking for the green stuff oh. LR is starting to look pretty good and clean now Im still waiting for some critters to sprout up on it oh.


Active Member
no, just wait it out, you can add snails or something to help kep it down, but just like your nitrogen cycle, it should be left to go through it's phase, you'll be better off besides, it shouldn't take real long, if your water conditions are ideal(try keeping your alk nad calc levels up, only a little, this may help with your coraline algae which will take over and keep down the hair stuff)
even with algae eaters, you may have to prune some by hand, to help keep it down because some eaters will only eat stuff under .25 inch