Lake sand?


Okay I am still new at this and this question may sound really dumb, but I have crushed coral in my tank and want to cross over to live sand. I was wondering if I could add sand from a Lake or maybe just buy sand and do the change. Or realistic am I making it sound way easier than what it is....?


Active Member
Do not leave the CC in because it will eventually work its' way back to the top. Syphon the CC out into little filter bags or stockings and then use these bags to generate bacteria into your sand. Once you have the sand in your tank, place some of the bags in your filter or behind some live rock. If you take all the CC out right away, you will start another cycle in your tank because you will be removing bacteria. After a while, you can remove the bags one by one. Do not use sand from the beach because you do not know what you will be putting into your system. There could be some form of bacteria or some little critters in the sand that you do not want in your tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by trainfever
Do not leave the CC in because it will eventually work its' way back to the top. Syphon the CC out into little filter bags or stockings and then use these bags to generate bacteria into your sand. Once you have the sand in your tank, place some of the bags in your filter or behind some live rock. If you take all the CC out right away, you will start another cycle in your tank because you will be removing bacteria. After a while, you can remove the bags one by one. Do not use sand from the beach because you do not know what you will be putting into your system. There could be some form of bacteria or some little critters in the sand that you do not want in your tank.

Yup, :yes:.
Could not have said it better myself!



Originally posted by b18c5hatch
Okay I am still new at this and this question may sound really dumb, but I have crushed coral in my tank and want to cross over to live sand. I was wondering if I could add sand from a Lake or maybe just buy sand and do the change. Or realistic am I making it sound way easier than what it is....?

It's a no on "Lake sand", buy live sand or bags of argonite sand, if you can find it at HD under the name southdown or new castle.


Thanks, I am going to take on this challenge of switching over to sand instead of the CC. I am beginning to hate CC. One last question, how much "dead" sand shall I need and how much "live" sand for a 90 gallon.?
I will be posting before and after pics pretty soon.