landscape work


Need to vent. I hired a landscape company to install a 4 foot retaining wall behind my house. All along the planning process the guy was helpful and all went well. Now that its time to do the work I get nothing but a run around. Every day Im calling and every day is the same story. "Oh were gonna start first thing tomorrow morning" "We will be there this afternoon to get things rolling" "I got tied up at my last job too late and we will be there before 7am tomorrow" for 2 weeks now. Its totally rediculous. :mad:
My wife talked to him at 12 today and he assured her he would be there by 2pm today. well at 5 I called him, and now its "We will be there this evening I got tied up on another wall job" But when my wife talked to him at 12, it was "I just finnished mowing some lawns and I will be on my way to your house in a few mins" :mad:
Is it time to tell him where to go and get someone else? Bad part is he has my deposit for the work and I know its going to be a mess to get it back.


Is your deposit in the form of a check? If so, I think I'd put a stop payment on it and find someone else. We had a similar problem with a carpet company and we had to raise holy heck until they did the job. Good luck! I hope you get your wall put in!


Don't let them start it!! They will start to shut you up but you will be their last priority as far as completing it goes!! Ask for your deposit back. Do the whole threatening to sue bit. Tell him you will add in the hours you missed at work and the water damage caused by not having the retaining wall up in time. Make up a bunch of stuff, procrastinators aren't usually "on the ball" enough to know your wrong. Oh and tell him your brother's a lawyer whos been bugging you to take this to court, but you were trying to be nice.
I can't stand companies who act like this. You may want proof that he's insured if you do decide to let him work!!
GRRR... I feel for you. :mad:


Active Member
Definitely find someone else. If they ever start, they will take forever to finish and the quality will probably be very bad. It's pretty easy to see that this person is not qualified to be in business.


well lastnight I got together with the other 2 familys involved in this project. they are getting work done as well by this guy. Infact he was recommended by one of the other familys. So he was supposed to landscape all 3 of our houses at the same time. we all live right next to eachother. As we were cursing him and deciding how to procede, he came around the corner in his bucket loader and started working. This morning when I left for work he was out there again and said the wall would be done by next week. So I guess Ill cross my fingers and see what happens. I did see a copy of his insurrance though, I thoght of that the first day we met to discuss what was going to get done.