Large angels


Id like to put a larger sized angel in my reef as a youngun' and hope that it wont eat my zoos, but something else is already (i think its a blue leg hermit, a coral beuaty, or a royal urchin, the blue leg is always all over em, but i hvent seen the other 2 messing...just suspects)
anyway it seems like my best bet is either a majestic/blue girdled angel, emperor angel, or scribbled angel. majestic or scribbled seems like a better choice since they max out at 9 inches, while emperors go to 15 inches and my tank is only a 125. any experiences with the reef safeness of these fish?


Active Member
They will pick on corals as they start to mature. Picked on lps and some softies in my tank, but never touched a callimorph. I have heard of many people having adults in with sps, but haven't tried this personally.


Will all 3 of the species i mentioned try? I ve heard that starting em young can help...i just want a larger colorful fish as a centerpiece...ideas?


Active Member
I have only tried it with an emperor, queen, and asfur so those are the only ones I can tell you about personal experience. I doubt the scribbled would mess with corals too much, but I would think the majestic (juvi's can be difficult to come by) and emperor (mine did) would start to nip on some softies and lps as they start morphing into an adult (thats when my emperor started). If you are willing to risk it, I would definitely go with a scribbled.... one of the prettiest angels IMO, and not nearly as common as the others.


how about one of the Genecanthus'
completely reef safe.
I think Zoo's are the most appetizing corals to a large angel, I would suspect almost all of them will develop a taste sooner or later.
Besides the Genes' your best bet would be a fish in the Apolemichthys group. goldflake, griffis, flagfin, etc.
good luck