large blond naso tang hiding and not eating


New Member
I have a Large blond naso Tang for about 5 days now and he will not come out from hiding behind my live rock or eat should I trade him before he dies or will he eventualy come out and start eating. Please Help


There not shy fish! Do you have any other fish trying to harass him? Are your water parameters ok? Besides that he should be out and swimming around!


New Member
There is no other fish harassing him, the water tested great. This is the 2nd one the pet store alloud me to exchange him for another one due to he was doing the same thing. Do you think I should trade him in for another fish or do you think he will eventually start eating. I do not know how long he will live if he keeps hiding and not eating.


Something is going on in your tank especially if this is the second one. How are your parameters? What's your stocklist? You need to give us more info....


Active Member
Also check for a stray electrical current going thru the tank. The only time I had Timex my Blue Hippo quit eating was when I had a power head going out and putting current into the water. Bought a ground probe and solved the issue.
I know some fish occasionally go on food strikes, try some live brine shrimp to get him eating. However, live brine is not very healthy, so if he does start eating, you want to wean him off it to something more nutritional like frozen mysis shrimp. If that doesn't work, make sure that he is not being picked on by other fish in your tank. Speaking of the other fish, what other fish do you have in your tank, and what is the size of your tank?