Large Brittle Star


New Member
Someone I know closed down their tank I acquired a Large brittle star about the size of a salad bowl of the green variety.
My question is will It attack my fish? I read somewhere that they learn to
drop down on unsuspecting fish and eat them!
So do you think i should turn him into store credit or take a chance? or maybe fuge him?

First hand knowledge appreciated!
Comment welcome!
Thank you


Active Member
I have had a large green brittle star for a couple of years with no problems. Mine is very large also the main body is about 3" across and the legs are each about 12" long. I feed it krill once or twice a week which may help but it probably mostly depends on the personality of the individual star whether it will become predatory.


my lfs has this large brit stars from time to time and every time they do is cuz someone traded it in cuz it was killing everything in the tank so id watch it closely if i were you