Large Carpet anemone


New Member
I have a large carpet anemone that has plunked its self down in the sand in the canter of my tank. It is approx. about 9-10 inches in diameter when it is all opened up maybe larger. I recently added (this last Wednesday) a powder blue and a manderin goby. I have never seen the goby since and cannot find a corpse. Last night when I turned the light off the powder blue was swimming around perfectly fine, when I went to feed them first thing this morning there was no sight of it anywhere. I had hoped it was just hiding out for the am but it is now 2:00 pm and still no sight and no corpse anywhere. Is it possible that my anemone ate these fish?


Originally Posted by kate65gal
Is it possible that my anemone ate these fish?
Yes its possible


Active Member
Mandarin gobies should not be in a tank with anemones. They are very prone to getting stung and eaten, as yours probably was.