fishy pa guy
I am selling both of my anemones because I am getting out of the hobby for a little. I have a Bubble tip which is not a regular rose BTA or any other that I've seen before. It just split last week so they are about 6" across and I have 2 of them.
I also have the Magnifica that is pictured in the second 2 pictures. The first picture of it has another Magnifica to the right of it. The one that is for sale is the left one that is more white. The second picture of it is in a 120 gallon tank and gives you an idea of the size of it. This anemone is over a foot across when fully open. It has a very bright purrple base and is coloring up really nice.
I would like to sell these for pick up only because shipping will be high. If they sell for pick up I will also sell the ORA black clowns with the Magnifica.
I will ship if I don't get any bites within the first couple days.

I also have the Magnifica that is pictured in the second 2 pictures. The first picture of it has another Magnifica to the right of it. The one that is for sale is the left one that is more white. The second picture of it is in a 120 gallon tank and gives you an idea of the size of it. This anemone is over a foot across when fully open. It has a very bright purrple base and is coloring up really nice.
I would like to sell these for pick up only because shipping will be high. If they sell for pick up I will also sell the ORA black clowns with the Magnifica.
I will ship if I don't get any bites within the first couple days.