Large Neon Blue Velvet Damsel


I have been trying to find out just how big will my Blue Neon Velvet Damsel will get. I got him when he was only about 1". Now the sucker is about 4" long and about 1" wide. I got him to help cycle my tank, but he keeps on living. I really don't care about him living as he is quite pretty, but aggressive. He's in a tank with a Valentini Puffer, Yellow Tang, Dwarf Zebra Lionfish & of course my Lawnmower blennie. All get along just fine. But how big will he get? I've been told they don't usually live that long, but he's been here for about 9 months now with this neighbors doing just fine. I have to watch when I feed the lion, as the Damsel will steal it. Thanks, Tush


A dwarf zebra will not eat a 4" damselfish. The fish is too fast, and far too big. I really dont think its gonna die on might just have to bring it back. And i have seen them get a bit large, not sure HOW large ti will grow to be though.


:) My Lion fish isn't a threat the anyone, he's a whoosie. My tang even chases him around sometimes. Actually they seem all pretty well suited to each other. The smallest one is my puffer, but the damsel is giving the lion fish a run for his money on size. Still looking for size.. Can't even find it in a book anywhere. Thanks