Large water changes


Originally Posted by gkotlin
I have a small tank. If I do a large water change, say 90% will that induce a cycle?
More than likely, yes


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishyCPA
More than likely, yes

Please explain? I don't think it will at all as long as sand is not disturbed or rock left to dry out.


Active Member
If the sandbed and tank as a whole are not disturbed, you shouldn't have a problem. Just make sure the temp & SG are the same.
I do 50% changes in my nano all the time and it loves it (it's just easier to make a 5 gallon bucket of saltwater than 1 gallon)


I did it because I haven't done much to the tank for a few months. Other than clean the filters. It's just live rock and two snails.
I did a large water change to put it to use again.
I've heard of people doing large changes in reef tanks, so I figured it wouldn't be an issue.


Originally Posted by earlybird
Please explain? I don't think it will at all as long as sand is not disturbed or rock left to dry out.
I didn't think about the rock and sand. I thought that a 90% change would b/c I have heard of 50% changes starting a cycle.
My bad, please forgive my ignorance.


But why are you trying to induce a cycle? Cycles are not good things; we all try to avoid them.


Active Member
I don't think he's trying to induce a cycle, just asking if a large water change would start one.


Originally Posted by maxalmon
I don't think he's trying to induce a cycle, just asking if a large water change would start one.
Thats what I'm asking.