Large Yellow Tang How do I feed it


hello, its me again and my bros. picked up a large yellow tang for my 90 gal. reef tank, i've had him since sat. morning and he just wont eat a thing, i also have a false percula clown, a hippo tang, a cleaner shrimp, and a long tentacled (atlantic anemone), everyone else seems to have an appetite, i've tried, flakes, Formula 2, crumbs, brine shrimp, and blood worms. he doesnt even attempt to eat it, he looks fine but just not eating, what do i do? :confused:


Active Member
It's common for a new fish not to eat for several days after the stress of moving. Tangs are grazers and eat greens for the most part. 2 tangs in your 90gal tank is pushing stocking limits BTW. You may try and adding a clump of calurpa to your tank for the tangs. They wont, usually, eat flake. I don't know what kind of "crumbs" you're talking about and am curious. Anyway, your tang is an herbivore and eats algae. You may ask the lfs, or who ever you got it from, what it was eating if the problem persists.
I have one med-large Yellow tang and she's great. I feed her some shrimp and I put a piece of romain lettiuce and she and my "lip-stick" tang love to pick at that. give it a try ;)


Active Member
How long has your tank been up???
It is best to add a Tang to a tank that is mature, when you have an algea growth, they like to pick it off the rocks and glass.
Like posted above it may take a few days to get him to eat, til he is comfortaqble in his new home. Keep us posted on how he is doing. Lisa

tidy waves

New Member
Despite the fact that it is a herbivore, sometimes feeding live brine shrimp will spark it's appetite. This worked with my Naso Tang who didn't eat when it was first introduced. Now, it eats everthing I throw in the tank.

nm reef

Active Member
Heck my yellow tang would eat the fingers off my hand if I left it in there long enough........also curious as to how well established your system patient and provide a varied source of foods and it should come around