large yellow tang in hypo



hes only in a 10g. ph is little low 7.8 all others are good. do i drop sl fast or slowly? sl at 1.024 right now. hes also not eating and getting very skinny. when i bought him they gave me some seaweed. ate alot of it. tried pellet food no luck. tried frozen shrimp and alge no luck. thanks in advance


Active Member
clip on an algea sheet and leave it in the tank. Change them out everyday until he starts eating them. You need to get him eating that should be concern #1


Originally Posted by pcollins
hes only in a 10g. ph is little low 7.8 all others are good. do i drop sl fast or slowly? sl at 1.024 right now. hes also not eating and getting very skinny. when i bought him they gave me some seaweed. ate alot of it. tried pellet food no luck. tried frozen shrimp and alge no luck. thanks in advance
How large is the tang? Why is your ph so low? Have you been checking the ph of the fresh water that you are adding? The SG should be brought to 1.009 over 48 hours. You will need either a refractometer or a glass hydrometer. Plastic swing arm hydrometers are not accurate. Bring the SG down consistently over the 48 hrs, smaller amounts at a time rather than large water changes. Feed him Nori sheets which is dried seaweed.


:-/ didnt think to test the freshwater ph. sad to say its below 7.4. i have to order more filters. i did water change in dt and pulsing xenia doesnt like it one bit.


tang is dying on me! breathing fast, up at the top of tank