Larger Tank 150.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Im getting it this weekend. I was planning on switching my entire set up to this one. Will I need to buy a bigger return pump as it has dual overflows? Would you run large pump and split it or two smaller pumps? I have a mag 7 would dual mag 7s be better?
I currently have 2 k3 and K4 powerheads on each side of the 75. Will they work or do I need bigger ones and or more?
My other question would be the live sand. I dont have enough for a 6 foot tank. I have enough for a 2 inch cover on my 4 foot tank. I cant get sand from my lfs nor do I trust some of it. Should I just buy the caribsea stuff rinse it out really well then mix it in?
Current stock list
Pair Black and White Clowns
Juvi Emp
Bicolor angel
3" Kole Tang
I plan on adding
Juvi Queen.
Small Blond Naso
Niger trigger
Flame angel
Any issues with the fish I plan to add? This will be my tank for about 2 years then Im upgrading to a final tank of unkown size but atleast 400+ gallons


I have a magdrive 24 for my 150, split to the two ends of the tank. I like it because it creates a lot of flow, on top of the powerheads I have. I have the same 2 powerheads you have, plus another maxijet 900.
As for the sand, that's what I did when I upgraded from a 65 to the 150. I used the LS I had in the 65, plus some of that caribsea sand.
I think a queen and an emperor angel in a 150 is pushing it a little. You might get some agression. Personally I'd pick something else instead of the queen, like an Australian Tusk or another trigger.


Active Member
Congrats on the upgrade
Mag 7 is pretty weak for a dual return, I would consider going to a single 12, maybe even an 18%%...With head loss, that 7 won't be doing a whole lot.
Powerhead wise I would say you are good with what you have, that is about 3,000 gallons per hour between the 4, that's pretty good. All fish like good flow, but Angels and Tangs require it IME. You could upgrade to a couple of modded Maxi's if you are not happy, 2 of those are about 2,000 gph apiece with the big propeller.
As far as the substrate that is personal preference, in a larger tank, I don't like the super fine stuff, but that is just my preference. I always thought 1 1/2 to 2 inches was a pretty good base.
I like the current and planned stock list, particularly with your planned upgrade in a few more years.....Get a really small Niger, they are so often available in the 1 to 2 inch range.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Thanks! I was actually eye balling a 210. I went down to look at it and the jackass tried to hide a crack in the bottom. This tank is used blue backround. I dont mind the blue. Has a sump as well. I was going to ditch the sump and run the one I have on my 75 in the mean time.
I was going to run 1 mag 7 on each Overflow by itself since it has two. So it would be two mag 7's total. I dont mind buying a bigger pump then split it. I dont mind the bigger substrate. I just dont want to waste 80 pounds of cured live sand. Can i just swap the stuff over and the tank be fine or Should i wait a few weeks as if the tank is cycling?
The shark pond is put on hold until I make sure the house Im getting is where Im satying for at least 15 years or more.


I moved everything from my 65 to the 150 overnight without any problems. Here's what I did:
I put some LR pieces in my QT and put all my fish in there. Then I moved all the LR and LS to the 150, plus added some base rock and more sand. Then I waited overnight for the sand storm to clear and the next morning I transfered all the fish and the remaining LR. All the established LR from my 65 acted as a bioilogical filter, so there was no ammonia spike at all.

crypt keeper

Active Member
So do I get new sand but rinse it out throughly? I plan on using my sump and skimmer. Would running a poly filter pad for about month in my sump be a good idea to help build the good bacteria up quicker?


Can't hurt to have the filter pad, the more biological filtrattion for the new tank, the better. What kind of sand are you gonna buy? I got the fine aragonite sand, then all I did was rinse it and put it in.


One thing to keep in mind is the type of fish you want to keep. If you'll keep any fish that like to sleep in the sand, like a wrasse, then you need to have finer sand.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Im going to replace one of the fish I want to add with a Aus tusk after seeing GTA pictures. That fish is gorgeous!
My other question do you think my clowns will be okay with the larger fish I posted? They are smaller right now. Around female is 2.5 inches male is 2. I could keep them in the 75 but I was going to give that to my FIMBY. Maybe I will turn the fimbys 40 breeder into a mini coral tank and just have the clowns in there. Problem solved. They would do great in a 40g for life imo.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Im going to replace one of the fish I want to add with a Aus tusk after seeing GTA pictures. That fish is gorgeous!
My other question do you think my clowns will be okay with the larger fish I posted? They are smaller right now. Around female is 2.5 inches male is 2. I could keep them in the 75 but I was going to give that to my FIMBY. Maybe I will turn the fimbys 40 breeder into a mini coral tank and just have the clowns in there. Problem solved. They would do great in a 40g for life imo.
Hit or miss on the Clowns, that's why I say get a small Niger....Didn't matter in my case, once my Niger got bigger, he turned my 4+ inch Maroon Clown into a chew toy and I had to remove the Clown. Angels and Tangs are more bossy than outright killers IME, they wouldn't care about the clowns unless they got in their way at feeding time.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Thanks for the input. I guess I'd have a year or so in the 150 if I got the Niger small enough. I should be picking the tank up this Staurday. Weather here has been complete crap


My Niger almost killed my 2 gold stripe maroon clowns. They would have been dead if I wasn't there to take them out.