Las Vegas sps-lps-softies


Active Member
I have several tanks loaded with rics, zoo's softies, sps, lps, GSP, chaeto etc.. Anyone local wana trade?


Active Member
Hey Max, ever meet with the Vegasreefers? Never personally gone to a meeting with them, but they seem like they are getting more together and active.


Active Member
I've been to a few of the meetings, even orangized several group buys. Great people, but my schedule just limits my being able to participate.


Active Member
Small world, if your from Roseville.
I have been bouncing back and fourth between California and Nevada. Currently prepping for the move to be solid back in Old Roseville again next month hopefully if the surgery goes as planned.


Active Member
We were buy and flipping homes in the area for a while, made a fortune and bailed at just the right time, our last home was over on Twin Oaks, 200k in 6 months...Ah,..those were the days....Also had a 1 acre ranch over by the firehouse, after that a 2acre ranch etc....
What kinda surgery you have planned.