last call!


I am setting up an order from a web site for the last supplies I need for my tank.. For a 55 gallon tank, I already have a prizm skimmer, fluval 404, Regent 30-60, backup hangon heater, 35 ilbs of sand, 2 dead coral... So far I am going to order a Azoo Power Head 1200, Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit, TS Heater (250 watt)... What else do I need? I will be getting the salt at the store. Do saltwater fish take flakes or pellets? Any medacine or water conditioner I will need? Thanks for the replies.
Also, what things in my tank will give out oxigen? I have a air pump for it.. Would a sponge filter for the air pump help at all?


I would get over a 100lbs of ls and about 75-80lbs of lr. Flake food is ideal for most fish that will live in your tank. Alternate with live and frozen brine and different formulas for nutritional value. You don't need an air pump or sponge like freshwater fish or any conditioners or additives. Water circulation is important for a sw tank so powerheads will be handy. I have three in my tank. Two in opposite directions and one facing towards the surface for agitation and oxygen exchange. Also a small stick on thermometer for the tank for temps and a magnetic algae scraper for future cleanings. It's best to order all this stuff online(comes out alot cheaper). Good luck.


Me? No I am just trying to get a bunch of answers in a short period of time. I am going to make an online order and don't want to forget about anything.


I just found a website that has maxijets for half of what I paid at the LFS. No surprise there! I like them too.
One thing I just got is one of those long grabbers to pick up stuff on the bottom. Handy little tool.
Do you have a hydrometer yet?


No Hydrometer- put it on my list
I will probably get a snowflake eel and maby a picasso even though it might be a little crowded - probably a 3 inch bed.. Wouldn't crush coral be good for sfe and picasso? I already have real nice sand (35 Ilbs). What would I feed these kinds of fish? Shrimp from the store? And if I did get somthin like clown, what would they be fed? On this site they have Zooplankton (saltwater) for only 1.99?


A lot of people here push the sand bed thing. Don't get upset, you talked me into it! I just need to say, I had a snoeflake. Cute little bugger, then he got big and when they want to they can move FAST. If you have a sand or fine crushed coral bottom I think you will be looking at a lot of stuff flying around.


When I was in illinoise this summer I saw a 120 gallon tank with a 4 year old sfe and a bunch of smaller fish- like damsels and clowns. The guy said they don't eat the other fish as long as its well fed. Someone at a ***** told me I could fit a sfe in my 29 g tank. I said I wanted a trigger and he said I could but it might be a little crowded in a 29 g tank... bad advise, they just want you to buy their fish.


I am planning on getting more san and live rock. I will check out the powerheards. Is two heaters nessesary and if so, will I have to turn both of them halfway down or something? I have been waiting since last june planning for a saltwater tank, buying piece by piece, and i'm almost their