Last Chromis Standing *Cry*


First fish I added after the tank cycled was three green chromis. In the first week one of the chromis died, Im thinking from aggression from the other two but tahts just my speculation, he ate but rarely came out of the rocks with the other two. After he passed away the other two have been doing great for the past month, well last week the largest of the starting three got a wound, his front fins (underneath him, almost directly below the eye near the stomach) look to have been torn off, and he had a mark right in the front of his face, right between the eyes. Dunno what caused it, there are crabs and brittle stars in the tank, along with some shrimp and what not. Only other fish in the tank is a clown gobby and a yellow watchman.
Anyway, his face injury cleared up and he is able to swim and was still eating even with missing his front fins, but the injury to the fin area seemed to never heal properly, and last night he started acting funny, and then today I cant find him, even after feeding the tank, so Im guessing hes in that great big aquarium in the sky. So I was curious to what to do with the last little fella. Should I add more in? Are chromis content swimming around by there lonesome or do they prefer groups? He appears happy,(as happy as a fish can look I suppose) but looks a lil out of place by himself

Should I add another? Or will he beat up on it? If I add two more will they kill one off again like last time or? Personally I dont mind just having the one, but if adding him a buddy or two would make his aquarium life more pleaseant then Id like to try that.
Sorry for the long post, any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!


Active Member
I just read your post to my family and we are so sorry!
I would try a docile fish. Something from the fairy wrasse family? Something totally unlike a damsel.
You could speculate that, being a damsel, you could add a smaller BG chromis who might turn male. But how much saddness can you stand?


Thank you for your post.
The last one is doing fine both being very active and eating. I have read on this board that they like being in groups. Mine doesnt seem none the worse for wear and seems perfectly content cruising the tank solo, occassionally stopping to mingle with the watchman, he seems obsessed with him. No aggression, just stops and strikes a pose, then swims off on his merry way. I would like to keep him as he is, but if adding more would make him better off thats what ill do.
Any ideas? Anyone have a single chromis in there tank? Is he fine by himself or should I look into adding a couple more?


Active Member
Dut, what size is the tank? I like the look of schooling fish. Depends on the size of tank if you should add more or not.


Im sorry for not adding that, wasnt thinking about it. The tank is 180 gallon. When I added the three chromis it was for the same reason, I liked the look of them schooling. After getting them they never stayed together much, they would occassionally group up but really just wondered around seperatly. Now that Im down to one Im happy with only having him, but if being alone will stress him then I would like to add a couple more just for his benefit. Im asking just to find out what is best for the chromis, Im personally happy with just having the one. :joy:


Active Member
I don't think being alone will hurt him, but why not add about 6 more? Just my thoughts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
I don't think being alone will hurt him, but why not add about 6 more? Just my thoughts.
I think with that size tank, yeah, six or so. That would be a great sight!
They will choose a pecking order.
And, Dut, you'd still have room. Don't rule out the wrasses, they are great fish.
I have two chromis that "school" and they are family favorites. But if you are going to add do it soon, And move the LR rock around a bit to put everyone on even ground for territory.


I like the six-line wrasse, but he scares me. Ive heard of issues where he bothered shrimp and I have a monkey shrimp and some cleaners in the tank, and id like to add some peppermint soon. Are any of the other wrasses safer? The way I understood it all of them are somewhat of a risk. :notsure:


Active Member
MHO is that you should be talking to Dogstar, Murph. Lion Crazz about this size tank. I have no recent experience.
How established is your system?


Active Member
Ah man, a school of those in that size tank is so cool. They do ok in a newer tank, in the old days people cycled with them. I dont say this about most fish but try to get some soon after they arrive at the lfs. If the new ones go in soon enough the other one will just join the school.


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
MHO is that you should be talking to Dogstar, Murph. Lion Crazz about this size tank. I have no recent experience.
How established is your system?

They were the first fish I added (after the tank cycled). The tank has been cycled for a little over a month, something like 40 days. Took over two weeks for it to cycle, just used the die off from the LR to start the ammonia spike.


Active Member
With that much room there are some fish choices that I know nothing about, being a 55 gal. The maturity of the environment will make some difference, but again :notsure:
The chromis school is a nice touch in any tank and I know some of the folks with the larger systems do keep them.
The members I listed before (+some I didn't) will be able to help.