last few fish for 125


so im looking for a few fish to finish up the stocklist for my 125. my levels have never moved from perfect except for the day i added LR
the setup/filtration is
125gal DT
45gal sump
aprox 160lbs of LR(DT and sump)
about 1.5" sand bed
Octo NW150 skimmer
phosban reactor
the stocklist is
2 Green Spotted Puffers
1 Humu
1 Chocolate Blue Spot Toby
1 Skunk Clown
1 Lyretail Hawkfish
then shrooms/zoos/LPS corals
im looking for 1 or 2 fish to finalize the stocklist.
i was thinking a small Tang or a Bluehead Wrasse, but idk if they're coral safe. i kinda got lucky with my humu and dont think it will happen again. then a group of uncommon damsels.
so what would you guys/girls put in?


Active Member
Bluehead wrasse are great fish. But; they are very territorial and real diggers. Almost any tang should be fine; there are some great purple tangs on the market now. BTW; your Huma is going to turn into a real, big ( 10"), live trigger soon. Mean and very aggressive (yes, somewhere there is an exception). You have some fish that he will probably eat sooner or later; depending on how big he gets and how fast.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Bluehead wrasse are great fish. But; they are very territorial and real diggers. Almost any tang should be fine; there are some great purple tangs on the market now. BTW; your Huma is going to turn into a real, big ( 10"), live trigger soon. Mean and very aggressive (yes, somewhere there is an exception). You have some fish that he will probably eat sooner or later; depending on how big he gets and how fast.
yeah i understand my humu will be gimormous eventually. but its probably going in out in wall 240-300 when its finished anyways. which is going to have large angel, sahol tang, ect..
i was somewhat aware of the digging, but it cant be worse than my SFE, so my rocks are pretty stable.
i was thinking;
bluehead wrasse
purple or powder blue tang or aus. tusk
then a few damsels.
does any1 have experience with any of the tahgs or tusks??


Active Member
Originally Posted by ca161406
yeah i understand my humu will be gimormous eventually. but its probably going in out in wall 240-300 when its finished anyways. which is going to have large angel, sahol tang, ect..
i was somewhat aware of the digging, but it cant be worse than my SFE, so my rocks are pretty stable.
i was thinking;
bluehead wrasse
purple or powder blue tang or aus. tusk
then a few damsels.
does any1 have experience with any of the tahgs or tusks??
Good choices.1.)I love purple tangs, have 3 (never try to keep 2 of the same tang. One is best) There are a lot of them on the market now. Very easy & hardy tang; not as touchy or as aggressive as a PB. Purples are no wusses, though. Beautiful fish; I've never seen a pic that does them justice.
2.)Australian tusks are coming into season, IMO, the ideal community fish for a large enough system. Incredible color, never bother anything they can't eat. A little more demanding than some large wrasse, will usually scarf almost any invert. These are big, robust fish that often surprise folks with their size. Like most wrasse, they will jump. Shy at first, but come around with time.
3.)Bluehead wrasse is a typical member of its genus. Can be aggressive, but mostly just very active. A digger. Should be fine with the tusk.
4.) I will never keep another damsel.
If you decide to go with the Sohal; I'd be sure he goes in last. These are very aggressive fish and could decide to destroy any fish at any time. The size of your system will help. Keeping a Sohal & a Purple Tang should be OK in your tank. But, with Sohals, anything can happen. Mine is the alpha fish in a tank that includes a large Clown Trigger. Second thoughts; IMO, a 120 is not big enough for an adult sohal and could easily contribute to even more aggression by him.. Just not a good choice with your other fish, IMO.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Bluehead wrasse are great fish. But; they are very territorial and real diggers. Almost any tang should be fine; there are some great purple tangs on the market now. BTW; your Huma is going to turn into a real, big ( 10"), live trigger soon. Mean and very aggressive (yes, somewhere there is an exception). You have some fish that he will probably eat sooner or later; depending on how big he gets and how fast.

while the humu can get big, its not going to get big soon by any means. they are slow growers. and they are not as aggressive as stated in this post. probably somewhere in the "middle" of the aggressive meter for a trigger. as long as your other fish are of equal or larger size it will be fine.
ive actually kept a humu and recommend this for a community tank if you want a trigger. they are a real treat to watch.


Active Member
One thing with Humas, and many triggers is their ability to go from model citizen to aggressive trigger overnight. I've kept a huma for several years without incident. I've also seen a 1/2 grown Huma suddenly go postal and grab a dwarf angel, 2/3 his size, by the stomach and kill him in a matter of minutes. With triggers like Humas, Nigers, etc., you are always taking a chance if you have smaller fish or inverts. This is the poster-fish for the "its an individual fish" thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
what about a sohal tang, coral safe, and can hang with the trigger when they get bigger
Sohals are, IMO, absolutely amazing fish. They also are about the most ornery and bossy fish I've ever seen. They seem to be "selectively" mean. I still have no idea how they decide what fish they'll tolerate, but when the decide they don't like a tankmate, its curtains. LA recommends a minimum of 180 gal; I agree.


As the only tang I think a sohal would be fine especially if you start with a small one. I agree with srfisher on the trigger thing. I have had humu in the wild try to attack ME when I romed into it's territory. Will sooner or later be a very nasty fish. There are are only a handful of fish I would recommend keeping with this fish long term. IMO I think the purple tang, blue head wrasse and damsels would be fine additions to your tank. Just be careful when adding them because your humu might get pretty nasty with them.