last few things fs in syracuse/auburn. no shipping


just a few more things to clear out:
4-6" pagoda cup $20
blue palys $20
jedi star polyps $10
plate coral $15
8 head candy cane $15
extra small orange cap frag $5
elkhorn $5
small brain $5
crocea $40
tridacna $40
blue digi $10
cleaner shrimp $15
coral banded shrimp $10
sixline wrasse $15
ocellaris clowns $20 for a pair
purple pseudo $10
LR $2.50 a lb.
clams and cleaner shrimp will not be available until after 5 pm 9/13 to see if original potential buyer still wants them.
No luck finding the algea blenny?? I will take the samll brain and the candy cane and whatever LR is left. I will leave to grumpy BF at home this time LOL
Please let me know....I can get them as soon ad you are free. I am off tomorrow and the rest of the weekend......I will take the clowns too.


I actually emptied the live rock into the sump. so the blenny will be easier to catch. give me a call to set something up. I have to work tomorrow and am off, but busy, all weekend.