Go buy one they are great fish, just get one that will eat algae sheets, or teach him to eat them.. A few folks have trouble with them starving once the available Algae in the tank is all gone. My Favorite little piggie Benny the Blenny is just about the ugliest fish ever but he is like a member of our family...Warren
Originally Posted by big http:///forum/post/2459714
Go buy one they are great fish, just get one that will eat algae sheets, or teach him to eat them.. A few folks have trouble with them starving once the available Algae in the tank is all gone. My Favorite little piggie Benny the Blenny is just about the ugliest fish ever but he is like a member of our family...Warren
How do you go about teaching them to eat algae sheets? I have one and named him Benny the Blenny as well. He has been in for almost 3 weeks and there is still plenty for him to eat. I have tried twice putting a sheet in for him but only the shrimps, nass snails, and hermits touch it.
Originally Posted by SigmaChris http:///forum/post/2461270
Never mind I just saw Warren's trick on the other Blenny thread going right now.
Hope it works! Time and patience with the guy........ Warren
Originally Posted by big http:///forum/post/2459714
Go buy one they are great fish, just get one that will eat algae sheets, or teach him to eat them.. A few folks have trouble with them starving once the available Algae in the tank is all gone. My Favorite little piggie Benny the Blenny is just about the ugliest fish ever but he is like a member of our family...Warren
Hey Warren,
Any special brand of Algae Sheets
Tks, Steve
I did use the LFS type when I first started like most everyone else. You know like 6 or 7 buck for a few small sheets.
Sometime back here someone said get the Grocery store stuff for making "Sushi". So after looking at several real big super grocery stores to no avail. Guess where I found it Wall Mart in the special foods section. The stuff I get is called "sushi Party". A bag with about 20 times as much for less than two bucks!!.... Same toasted, (meaning dried) stuff but even greener than and cost a lot less than any Fish store stuff cost!
You should definatley get a blenny if you can. Mine doesnt really kick up any sand or dig or anything. He just perches himself on top of one of my powerheads. All they really do is sit and eat.
Originally Posted by big http:///forum/post/2461882
I did use the LFS type when I first started like most everyone else. You know like 6 or 7 buck for a few small sheets.
Sometime back here someone said get the Grocery store stuff for making "Sushi". So after looking at several real big super grocery stores to no avail. Guess where I found it Wall Mart in the special foods section. The stuff I get is called "sushi Party". A bag with about 20 times as much for less than two bucks!!.... Same toasted, (meaning dried) stuff but even greener than and cost a lot less than any Fish store stuff cost!
Couldn't find it at my Wally World. I'll keep looking though. Thanks for the info
Originally Posted by Keri http:///forum/post/2463404
Hey thanks all for the great answers and cute pics!! I think you've sold me....I'm a sucker for a homely little bottom dweller
He's not homely
I don't have a lawnmower but a Black Sailfin and he is the cutiest thing ever. I love the doggy looking face with 4 eyelashes Mine is a little showoff and his favorite place is on tip of one rock that has a hole in it. He sticks most of his body in it and only his head is popping up. That's where he watches the world swim by
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman http:///forum/post/2465720
I don't have a lawnmower but a Black Sailfin and he is the cutiest thing ever. I love the doggy looking face with 4 eyelashes Mine is a little showoff and his favorite place is on tip of one rock that has a hole in it. He sticks most of his body in it and only his head is popping up. That's where he watches the world swim by
I dunno...my scooter blenny is pretty damn cute! He'd be tough to beat, I just want to squeeze his puffy cheeks!