LawnMower blennie wont eat


Active Member
i havent tried garlic yet since my dad lost his garlic press, is there another alternative to getting garlic juice
since my tank is kinda new, there isnt much algae for it, but there is some....


Active Member
thats too expensive for me, id rather just extract it with the existing things for me... unless theres a difference i might consider


Active Member
I like the Garlic Xtreeme from Kent as well but, if you can't swing it (Its not that expensive worth every penny IMO) you can always just cut up some garlic in small bits. The garlic will start to liquify as you chop it up and you can soak the food in this. You may also be able to soak the food in vitamins to make them a little more appealing.........might help beef him up a little too. Good luck.
Have you tried the Aquadine Flakes? My LMB loves those too.


Active Member
how long have you had your blenny? may be just not used to your tank yet. i didn't have that problem with mine, but we all know that sometimes fish just decide not to eat. i've never seen mine eat any prepared food though. if i didn't have algae in my tank, i think he'd starve. but, he is always fat as can be. sadly he recently stopped eating hair algae and now seems to eat exclusively diatom algae, which is too bad since I have a problem with hair algae, not diatom.
as to the garlic, do as rye suggested, chop up the garlic really well. I'd then put the garlic in a little water and let it soak for a few days (less time would probably be fine), then strain out the garlic pieces. now you have a realitively chunk-free liquid that will be very potent with garlic. use that to soak your food in.


Active Member
I don't think that garlic will help to lawnmower blenny. Try and watch if he picks on rocks first. You can also try nori or seaweed.
Do you have any algae in your tank?


Active Member
does the kent garlic xtreme have vitamins in it? i havent tried Aquadine Flakes, i just bought a 7 ounce can of flake food by HBH, flake frenzy, it has 40% meaty flakes, 20% green flakes 40% vitamins and minerals to help the fish grow healthy... Seemed like a good deal for only 7 dollars. Since it had the green flakes(veggie) i thought the blennie might go after it. Thought wrong.
Theres some algae, im leaving the light on longer then i would with my nano to try to help some algae grow, there is some on the glass and i dont see it starving. It does like pick on the glass and on the rocks
i'll take some of my friends algaesheets. I have hair algae growing in one rock, doesnt even touch the stuff
thanks for the response guys


Active Member
Try taking a piece of nori and attach to a small rock with rubberband. Toss the rock in the tank. To the blenny it will seem like algea growing on a rock and he may graze on it. I use that technique for my tangs sometimes and they pick off every piece. Even "under" the rubberband:rolleyes:
Good Luck! Lawnmowers are great. Fortunately mine eats everything.