First of all I would like to say how impressed i am with this web site. i made my first real fish and invert purchase from here and could not be happier. Everything is doing great and really adding color to my tank(Yellow Tang, Lawnmower b., emerald crabs, cleaner shrimp, orange tree sponge)
I've heard of problems with the blenny not eating and curious how to ween him/her on to the food i give and what food should i try to make available for him/her?
The orange tree sponge: anyone had success with these sponges?? if so, how?
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I've heard of problems with the blenny not eating and curious how to ween him/her on to the food i give and what food should i try to make available for him/her?
The orange tree sponge: anyone had success with these sponges?? if so, how?
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