Well I said that I would not do this but I did get a Lawnmower Blenny.Ya I am overstocked but hey, it is not the first time and with regular water changes and a good supply of food all has been well in the past. What a neat fish. I have had a Bicolor Blenny, he died from over eating I am sure, it was as big as a house.
So far the maroon clown seems to not bother it at all. It is not a small blenny so that is one good thing, he is all over the tank just cleaning the algae everywhere. Not afraid at all as when you go near the tank he does not swim away. Loves his barnacle I have in there too.
Hopefully now my back glass will be nice and clean, the two snails just don't seem to do a wonderful job.
The blenny family sure has personality that is for sure.