lawnmower blenny


Active Member
THey need an established tank with lots of lr. Mine is very shy but does come out to say hello. I don't think they are that great of cleaners, but still has personality.IMO


they are aggressive toward other blennies. i've never seen one actually make a noticable difference with hair algae issues. anyone who has kept one will say that it is one of their favorite fish.


I love my lawnmower blenny. They do have lots of personality and mine eats the algae off all the rocks like crazy. I have seen him bump a hermit out of his way if he thinks they're too close to his hang out. Mine has taken a liking to my pulsing xenia that I moved up top. He lays right in the middle of it. They say that blennies hang out low but mine likes my table top kaileni that's up just a few inches from the top of the water. Anyhow, they are fun to watch and they love to watch you back.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I've seen mine eat algae, but my algae hasn't disappered or anything.
LM Blenny will eat algea .. young algea that is .. so if you have hair algea that is already long, blenny won't touch it .. this fish has interesting charateristic and as far as agrresive to other fish, no .. may be to another blenny if there is not enough algea or space to share.


Active Member
i have had mine for a while now and he does not eat algae, when i feed the tank he eats anything i put in. he is all over the tank and has alot of personality. he has never bothered any of my fish. he is one of my favorites.


Active Member
Well I said that I would not do this but I did get a Lawnmower Blenny.Ya I am overstocked but hey, it is not the first time and with regular water changes and a good supply of food all has been well in the past. What a neat fish. I have had a Bicolor Blenny, he died from over eating I am sure, it was as big as a house.
So far the maroon clown seems to not bother it at all. It is not a small blenny so that is one good thing, he is all over the tank just cleaning the algae everywhere. Not afraid at all as when you go near the tank he does not swim away. Loves his barnacle I have in there too.
Hopefully now my back glass will be nice and clean, the two snails just don't seem to do a wonderful job.
The blenny family sure has personality that is for sure.


My LMB took over the home of my long-standing Damsel. The Damsel fought back, slapping the LMB with her tail and generally wreacking havoc on my entire tank for a few days and the LMB just stood his ground... never fought back but didn't move either heh. I've seen him in the same cave with my 2 baby peppermint shrimp and he hasn't touched them either.
Personally, I could watch the LMB all day! He has a built-in tri-pod he rests his head on when he's perching


Active Member
Yes they are so funny to watch. Wish the Blenny family came more colorful like the gobies do, but they are still neat to watch.
I find it hard to find this critter as it blends in with some of my rock and stuff. I am looking all over for it and there it is with its head starring right at me, to funny.......

I know it will stand its ground with the clown. It does not seem to be intimidated in anyway....



Active Member
I've had one for about a year now and he is by far my favorite fish. Tons of personality and he is really the only fish that I've had that watches you right back when you are looking at the tank. He doesnt eat the little bit of hair algae that I've had in the tank but he does pick at the rocks and scrapes algae off the glass pretty regularly. He also has never acted aggressively towards any other fish or invert in the tank.


Active Member
I loved mine, but he didn't make it after the lunar took a liking to him, apparently he tasted good.


I have had mine for a couple of weeks now. He does a number on any green algae on the glass, looks like a set of lips all over the tank

Mine changes colors with the rock, you can barely see him it is pretty cool. If he is on the sand he is white, if he is in the rock he is black with white spots.


Active Member
That is such a cute picture. Blennies are so cute in general with their doinkers on their heads, big eyes and all.
Mine is doing quite well, I don't see him eating anything that I feed in the tank though. Is there something else I should be offering him in the tank??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
That is such a cute picture. Blennies are so cute in general with their doinkers on their heads, big eyes and all.
Mine is doing quite well, I don't see him eating anything that I feed in the tank though. Is there something else I should be offering him in the tank??

Thanks! What are you feeding your tank? My blenny eats flake, frozen Formula 2 and Mysis regularly and goes after the small pieces of zooplankton that I put in for my corals as well.


wow! I guess these are really cool fish! I was thinking of getting a scooter blenny, but maybe I'll go with a LMB. I have a 30 gal. is that big enough for one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo1234
wow! I guess these are really cool fish! I was thinking of getting a scooter blenny, but maybe I'll go with a LMB. I have a 30 gal. is that big enough for one?
Only if you find one that is already eating other foods. They need lots of live rock and an established tank other wise.