lawnmower blenny


Are a lawnmower and rock blenny the same fish or are they different? I'm looking to get something to eat up some excess green hair algae and I've heard a lawnmower will do the trick. I went to the lfs and all they had was a rock blenny then when I asked he said it is basically the same but not sure if he's just trying to sell a fish or what. Also a little concerned that he may fight with my yellow watchman goby. The watchman is very docile and hardly ever comes out of his little hiding spot.


They are the same fish. They are Salarias fasciatus Known as Lawnmower Blennie, but also called a Jeweled Rockskipper, Jeweled Blennie, or Rock Blennie. What sized tank do you have? They are known to fight with other blennies. For hair algae, pick up a mexican turbo snail.


I have a 60 gallon tank and for some reason I can't keep the snails alive in my tank. I had a couple of them for 6 months or more and they ended up dying and since then I've bought 3 or 4 more to try and help the algae problem and they have all died within a couple of days. Not sure why everything else is healthy and happy water parameters are always great except for phosphate which was a little high but better now that I have been treating for it.


Originally Posted by Twobitt
I have a 60 gallon tank and for some reason I can't keep the snails alive in my tank. I had a couple of them for 6 months or more and they ended up dying and since then I've bought 3 or 4 more to try and help the algae problem and they have all died within a couple of days. Not sure why everything else is healthy and happy water parameters are always great except for phosphate which was a little high but better now that I have been treating for it.
How do you acclimate the snails and what is your SG? Inverts need an SG of 1.025-1.026 and should be drip acclimated for 3-4 hrs.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
How do you acclimate the snails and what is your SG? Inverts need an SG of 1.025-1.026 and should be drip acclimated for 3-4 hrs.
It may be the SG I keep it around 1.023-1.024. I acclimate any new livestock pretty carefully. I don't use the drip method but I've had really good success with the method I do use and do take about 3 hours doing it. They all seem to be fine for a couple days before passing so I don't think it's stress from acclimation. The SG makes more sense to me. Although I have alot of inverts in the tank and they are all thriving. I even have what I think are baby snails recently. Still too small to know for sure.


yes I have small hermits but I don't think that is the problem. Usually hermits just go after the snails for their shells and these snails are about a thousand times the size of the hermit crabs.