Lawnmowwer Blenny


I bought a Lawnmowwer Blenny a week ago, and i loved him he was realy cool, but last night he jumped out of the tank. :( Is this usally behavior for this fish I did not read anything about jumping when i looked it up. I would rather not buy a glass hood beacause i don't have a chiller, I kown i will have heat problems. So with this said does this mean I can't buy another Lawnmower till I buy a chiller and lid. 65G Reef, Seaclone P.S., hagen 802 P.H., Eheim 2213 filter, Icecap 285W VHO A-0, N-0, N<10 temp 78-79, cal 400-430 :(


I have 2 blennys in a 40 gallon tank and they never left the tank on me. I hope they never do either because they are soo cool.


thats not usual i dont think what other things do u have in ur tank and i dont think it will raise the heat much with glass top if it does u can always turn ur heater of