Lawyers Help with wording PLEASE


Hello all, I am having a channel news room coming to the house tomorrow morning (Thursday morning around 10am). I am trying to write up a document that says that this news group will not alter or change any of the words from our interview to slander or create any type of law suit on me regarding two business. If they do I would like them to cover the law suit if possible. I just need to make sure that I cover my back side up and just give a good interview. ANY input would be nice Thanks for your help.


Active Member
i know its late but they will not do that....i worked in tv news for 20 years and i can tell you we never once told or agreed to anything like with that said we also never intentionally made someone say anything they didn't mean...but i did it go by the way...


I beleive that it went pretty well. The guy was hear for almost 2 hrs and he seemed to really care about what we think about the situation with Fred Meyer's. He told me that he is very interested about this story and that he also works for a local news paper and he will also add a story about this in there too. I didn't have anything in writeing but I just made sure I was carefull on the words that I used. Channel 2 news tonight (Salem, Or.) 5:30-6:00pm.


Active Member
sounds like all went well...was it a consumer report, or a investigative report...they usually take thier time with those and do fair reports...let me know what you think of the final product....what is the station call letters k what...maybe i can seee it on line....


KATU (2) ABC I'll find out later what the report will be called. I just got off the phone with him and he said that the Fred Meyer manager doesn't want to be interviewed and they admit that they have been changeing alot of things around my house. So hopefully this will keep my house the way it is for now and save a tree in the process. Let me know what you think. Rick B.


Active Member
i'm surprised the company wont comment, usually they at least release a written statement saying "we are aware of the problem and we are doing our best to make it right" ...again let me now what you think about the final product


Ya the report was ok. I wish that it would have been longer and more indept. It was on for almost 2 minutes which I guess is good for a news room. The tree that I'm trying to save the news room called it "The Burnetts Tree".


Active Member
2 minutes is a long story...most get 1:15 or 1:30 max...glad it looked good hopefully it will does put some pressure on them....


I hope so. Fred Meyer's corp office just called and they said that ther wall is definatly going down no matter what I do I can't stop it. He then said that they (Fred Meyer's) is trying to put them selves in my shoes and thats how they are trying to help us out. 1 question is why haven't they complied to just 1 of the many (like 30 seggestions). I feel that they are trying to run us out. A friend that does alot of realestate around here said that my property value just dropped about $20k due to Fred Meyer's!


Active Member
what i would do is document everything that is said on the phone aan right down what was said by who, as soon as you hang up so you don't forget and savenewspaper reports and tv clips if you can if not see if you can get the may never need it for anything but if you do you have it....