lazy mans refuge questions

fat clown

New Member
I have an old HOB filter that I was thinking of turning into a refuge for pod growth and for nitrate's, would or should I run a light on the hob refuge if i use plants or should the light from the tank be enough. I have a 40 gall tank with 4 65w 10k pc and 4 65 w atinics.
What I was going to do was put some sand/mud and a couple small LR chunks in the filter does that sound about right (never worked with a refuge)
I know the turn over is going to be fast so what type of plant would you recomend for that type of water flow?
Other filtration in the tank is around 55# of LR, ehiem canister filter and a aquaC remora. Thanks in advace for any help or input.
sry i stink at spelling


the flow will be too high for mud or sand. you could use some rock rubble and some chaeto. chaeto does well with higher flow as it should be tumbled also you will need a light. run at least a 20w pc and put it on alternate timing with your tank light. so when your tank lights go off your fuge light come on and vice versa. this will help keep your ph stable.


I've seen a lot of people on reef central doing that with big 'ol bulky Aquaclear HOB filters. I don't think it is enough room to do a ton, but it couldn't hurt. Chaeto likes a good bit of water movement, calupera does not.


dont use calupera it will take over the tank.
cheato likes high water flow and wont go sexual so i would suggest useing that. post some pics when you get finished. thanks


New Member
I had two sumps so I have one that takes in my over flow water from the tank and is my sump with my high flow pump then I connected them together with two 1" lines at the water line I pump water out of the high flow into my skimmer and then into what I call my low flow side or refuge. I had to put a divider in the low flow side partitioning off about 1/4 of the length closest to the two 1" conections. The partition is about 2" short from the top so that the refuge will mostley fill and be able to contain plants. The water spills back over the partition and is sucked back into the high flow side by my pump that returns water to my tank. :notsure: Hope this may give you an idea