leak in aquarium

tank a holic

Active Member
drain it, dry it, and silicone it
you CAN silicone over the old, however I recommend cutting the old out, thuroughly cleaning the glass and applying all new silicone to the area, be sure to get a good blend back to the existing seal where you stopped your cut
you may also need to glue the joint you'll have to check it


Active Member
i would just make sure the old silicone is dry and go over the old with new a 55 doesnt have alot of pressure.
if the old silicone is turning yellowish you migh want to cut out all the old and redo the whole tank.
remember to put twice as much on the bottom than the sides.


i would just start the car in your garage and sit there for a few hours...thats my plan if i get a leak.


Active Member
when i got my used 225 my neighbor resiliconed it for me.looked like he knew what he was doing.
well i filled itin the driveway for 5 days.then put it in the basement on its stand put the sand and water in it.3 days later my wife called and it sprung a leak.a tiny pinhole on the middle front bottom.it was shooting out 2 feet just a tiny stream.had to empty the whole thing and resilicone the spot,i found that where the front glass meets the bottom had a space 1/8inch.so i packed the silicone in it and good to go .