leaking tank!!please help


New Member
My boyfriend and I have recently discovered we have a leak in the right bottom corner of our tank. It's a hex flat back and it's the front pane ><; We noticed it about a week or so after the sump would slowly lose about 1/2G a day. So now the question is...do I silicone the outside for a temporary fix...Money is sorta tight now so buying a new tank isnt an option for a few months atleast. Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
how large is it if small enough maybe you could transfer your creaters to another tank and seal with aquarium sealant


Active Member
Are you sure it's leaking and not salt creep from spilled water? I lose about half a gallon from my tank to evaporation.


Active Member
if its wet siliconing it wont work the water will force a path before it cures.you'll have to drain the tank and reseal it from the inside.


Yes sorry to say - the only sure fix is to drain the dank, dry it out "good", clean problem seal with a Q-tip & rubbing alcohol, and finally use some aaquatium sealant on inside seam. You can have the tank up and running again within 48 hours of tear down. Go to Wal-Mart and grab a 35 gallon rubbermaid tub, rinse it out good and place everything from tank into it except substrate, put that in a seperate 5 gallon bucket, then hook up power heads, heater, filter ect. You will only be out time and around 10 bucks for the tub.