leather coral frag turns black!



I have this huge leather and everytime I try to frag it it turns black and dies. I cut off a good 4" to 5" piece and glue it (superglue) to a piece of live rock and in about a week it dies and dissolves. Am i trying to frag this leather the wrong way or something??? Am I missing something here?? what other ways can I try and have success?? Attached is a pic of the coral , Its the huge one in the front of the tank.


Active Member
what kind of leather is it? perhaps u can dip the frag in an iodide solution b4 putting it in the water.


Originally Posted by gmford1979
what size tank is that?

Its a 120 and that coral measures 18" x20" that is height and width its about 16" deep.


Originally Posted by nycbob
what kind of leather is it? perhaps u can dip the frag in an iodide solution b4 putting it in the water.
It is a colt coral. what exactly would dipping it in the iodide solution do for the coral??


Active Member
it will help fight off any infection and kill any bacteria. colts r pretty easy to frag. i dont know why u'd be hvg this problem. i hv one that drop branches like crazy.


Originally Posted by nycbob
it will help fight off any infection and kill any bacteria. colts r pretty easy to frag. i dont know why u'd be hvg this problem. i hv one that drop branches like crazy.
Ya I thought that a colt would be a no brainer but I have tried 2 time now with the same result. Ill have to give the iodide solution a try.


Active Member
After you dip it.You could break a toothpick in half and glue it on a rock then stick it on the toothpick.That work with my leathers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
After you dip it.You could break a toothpick in half and glue it on a rock then stick it on the toothpick.That work with my leathers.

have a softy frag that wont be superglued down tried a couple times and wont stay and it has worked multiple times i am trying this method

nano reefer

Active Member
for any type of leather i belive you are supposed to rubberband them to a rock. The super glue wont work i think. Check out the New hobbyist section, then go to the helpful threads, then click on any of the fragging links, or you could PM reefkprz... he really knows what he is doig when he is fragging. He helped me out a lot. Thanks reefkprz!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
for any type of leather i belive you are supposed to rubberband them to a rock. The super glue wont work i think. Check out the New hobbyist section, then go to the helpful threads, then click on any of the fragging links, or you could PM reefkprz... he really knows what he is doig when he is fragging. He helped me out a lot. Thanks reefkprz!
The toothpic works for leather their is many ways of fraging leather their is not a rite or wrong way it just what works for you.
he posted on this one on leather to