Leather Coral Help...


New Member
On Sat. I purchased a real nice "Toadstool" Leather coral from my lfs. I placed it about halfway up the tank on my live rock. I now an noticing some white or gray areas starting on the edges of the leather. I'm getting worried .?
New to corals...
Working with 90 gal tank, lighting is 10k metal halide pendant and also super actinic strip. Protein Skimmer, 4in live sand lot's of live rock, which is growing great coraline. Added mushroom rock about 3wks ago, seems to be doing great!
Water changes using RO/DI water 10-15% every 2wks, last on 3/3.
Should i be worried, or any suggestions ??


I would move it to the bottom of the tank for a few days. especially if the LFS didnt have MH on there tanks., the gray and white parts maybe the color of it when its closed most leathers look geyish white when closed up tight.