Leather coral, not opening anymore


New Member
Ok, so what's his problem. This has been happening for the past 4 days or so. I have had it for approx. 6 months, and in those 6 months he has doubled in size, and opened to it's fullest everyday. Nothing has changed in the tank. All other coral are opened fully: other leathers, colt, hammer, bubbles, all mushrooms and polyps, etc etc. There is, however, one new addition. And that is a bubble coral who has been placed in close proximity to the leather but in no way can reach out and touch his neighbor. Question is, is this a normal occurance for a leather to close up for extended periods of time. Doesn't seem like it is damaged in anyway, and it does "stretch out" but it's polyps have not extended in those days. Anything I should look out for? Why is he causing me stress? lol


Yes, who is more stressed?

We had that happen with our brain coral. Never did figure out why, but he went back to 'normal' after about a week. (We were running a little low on akalinity and calcium around that time, but the Ph was fine and no one else seemed to be affected.) I wondered if they have the equivalent of 'growth spurts' (you know, those awkward stages kids go through) because he seems a little bigger than before and just as healthy. I'm new at this, though, so I'd love to hear other's thoughts.
One other thought - have you looked in at night? The bubble corals have long tentacles that come out mostly at night when the bubbles are shrunk down. Our bubble coral's tentacles don't seem to extend any further at night than the bubbles do in the daytime, but it's a possibility.


New Member
well, the bubble is defintely far enough away so that the sweeper tentacles come no where near the leather. He looks fantastic, just not open. I think I am more stressed than he is, lol. Oh well, I'm sure he'll be fine. Only thing I have yet to check is alkalinity. I will do that tonight. All other levels, as far a Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Calcium, PH, Phosphates, are all good.
Thanks for the input