Leather coral


New Member
I Have a Leather coral that is about 4" tall. It is getting some kind of black stuff at the base of the stalk,and is bending in half in the middle of the stalk. I've only had it in the tank about two weeks. It was standing upright when I bought it. What's wrong? :scared: :scared: :scared: :help: :help: :notsure:


Active Member
Could it be splitting. My stalk split in two several weeks ago and now I have 2 stalks and one head. I get the impression that it will be two leathers in a few weeks. We will find out. Otherwise its looking real good.


Active Member
Leathers, especially Toadstools, are tolerant of less than perfect water conditions. I would recommend a couple of small water changes if you haven't done so already.
Also make sure that this toadstool is getting proper lighting and flow. Mine likes low/med light with med/high flow.