Leather Coral



Could someone go over the system requirements for a toadstool leather?
subjects to include: lighting, placement, flow, feeding, s.g., temp, pH. thanks.


Active Member
Toadstools are easy corals to keep. They do well under most lighting. I have kept them under PC, T5 and MH. The lower the lighting the higher you should place it. It does well under low to med flow. Temp should be between 76 and 82. Salinity between 8.0 and 8.3. Hope this helps.


Active Member
toadstools prefer medium light but can handle low or high also, moderate to low flow, no feeding (they get what they need direct from the water). temp 76-82deg F. ph7.8-8.4. Specific gravity 1.021-1.029 (1.024-1.025 being preffered)
note this is what I consider the average tolerances to be, these corals are very hardy. the above mentioned conditions arent etched in stone, just what I would consider a very general guideline..