leather coral


i think that my leather coral is dieing or is dead its not opened up and it has green and black algae.. ok its proabbly dead buit if not is ther anyway to save it? my water conditions are good the only thing i can think of is that my anenome killed it somtimes its tentacles touch the base of the leather coral and i have recently noticed a bright red coloring at the base of the coral. is this from the anenome? please help.


Active Member
My suggestion would be to seperate the anemone and the leather, an anemone can pack a powerfull sting and knock out most corals. Double check you alkalinity and salinity, and makes sure its recieving a swift current. Blowing the crown off with a turkey baster may help the leather rid itself of the algae and/or mucus layer thats covering it. As long as your water quality is in check and they recieve the proper amount of light and current they are pretty tough to kill. HTH


Active Member
Leathers slime every once in a while.. It is used as a way to clean themselves.. Before you throw him in the back yard make sure he is not doing this..


Active Member
The red at the base could be several things, a reaction to the anemones sting, a patch of algae, ect. See if it goes away once the anemone has been moved. One of my Sarcophytons has not only algae growth on its base, but Xenia growth as well :) HTH
[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: Adrian ]


New Member
if it is dead try and take a small part and rubber band it to a rock at least you wont loss the leather all together
My umbrella did this a couple weeks ago and it took about 13 days for it to start coming out again. But it is looking good now, don't give up on it.


I work at a pet shop here where i live and we specialize in Saltwater fish and Corals.. I personally have a 29 gallon reef tank started and have two leather corals.. Right now my umbrella is in a "slough" state ... they seem to lay down and develop a brown looking algae as well as a clear plastic looking wrap on them.. This is normal for a leather and it should quit doing that eventually, but what you can do is clean off that algae and clear stuff by blowing water on it somehow.