Leather damaged by joe's juice help please


I have had a leather die in the past from some joe's juice I used in my tank. It got a small spot on it and I caught it to late and it soaked in to it and slowly the spot got white and killed off my whole leather. This past water change I used joes juice to kill off a few aptasia and the next day I noticed some had got on my other large leather. The leather has been opening up, but not as good as it normally does. My question is should I cut out the area that is white and weird looking? Is there anything i can put on that area? would it soak in and damage the whole coral and there is no hope? This leather is 3 years old and has been super healthy and is pretty big. PLease let me know what you think.


Active Member
It will help a lot if you post a photo.
Unless it's actually killed off a part of the coral and is the cause of spreading necrosis, I would just blow away anything still on the coral and be sure it has good flow.


Thanks for writing....I did get what was left off the other day and it has decent flow as well. Just last time with the other one it slowly started to deteriorate and killed the whole thing. I will try to get a decent picture with my phone because Im in the process of getting a new camera.


watch it closely If that area continues to deteiorate then you may have to frag off the good to save it.
I would take a turkey baster and blow the area gentle where its damaged and see if its a shed or if its tissue damage. you will be able to tell fairly easily if its a shed or not.