I bought a leather coral on Friday from my LFS. He fragged it about 5 minutes right before I bought it. When I got it home a bunch of the polyps were out. Every day after that there were less and less out and today I see no polyps out whatsoever. My other corals seem just fine (Zoa + Xenia) besides my shroom which seems a little deflated. I have 36w t5 NO and 81w t8. What should I do right now? take it out or leave it in and watch it?
I just checked my levels with a 5in1 strip:
KH - 120ish
pH - 6.0 (never seen it that low before, usually @ 8ish)
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 10ish (normally at this level)
NH4 - 0
SG - 1.025
What should I be doing here? I have never dealt with low pH. I wanna make sure everything is ok
I just checked my levels with a 5in1 strip:
KH - 120ish
pH - 6.0 (never seen it that low before, usually @ 8ish)
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 10ish (normally at this level)
NH4 - 0
SG - 1.025
What should I be doing here? I have never dealt with low pH. I wanna make sure everything is ok