leather help


just got hame and my yellow leather is all shriveled up and not yellow anymore???? tested water and everything is good except my salt is just a little higher then i keep it. its at .025 i try to keep it at .024
any help would be nice thanks here is a pic of what it lloked like last night and now:(


who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by fish-man-t
shed? will it split?
wont split. u won't even see it shed it's a very thin layer of the skin


there is some slim like stuff right behind him on the glass and i keep a very clean tank and never saw it there befor


Active Member
When I first got my leather it looked great for about 2 weeks then it started to shed. When mine shed I got some white stuff on it that looked like dryed skin, I took a turkey baster and blew it off. It is recovering now. I wouldn't worry too much for the next few days to a week. They are pretty hardy from what I have heard. And your salinity is by no means high.