Leather Problem Need help


I bought a Leather Toadstool I think (Stubby stock, flat top, looks like a mushroom) and when I put it in, it opened up and was looking very nice. Two days ago it started to close and havent seen its little polyps out at all. Ive tried placing high, low, lots of flow, a little flow. Nothing is working. Parameters are all good. Will do another water check in a sec but for now, is there any answers anyone has? What types of flow and light does it like?


Active Member
Well what kind of light do you have?
Moderate flow -- and medium to high lighting is when they do best. The other thing I would suggest is leave it alone, each time you move it it gets irritated and will just take that much longer to readjust to a new home.
I bought my toadstool with PC lighting.. looked ok... upgraded to halide lighting and it has totally thrived and is no where comparable as to when it was under the PC lighting. It never extended as it does now.


I have T5HO's right now. 2x 12000K, 2x Actinic. Can't afford MH. I've put it in the sand bed. Moderate flow at the moment. Good lighting I would say.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
PH - 7.8 (Going to add PH Buffer tonight)
Phosphate - 1.0
Alkalinity - 220ish
Calcium - 500


Active Member
I would just leave it alone for awhile in moderate flow and let it get used to its surroundings.