Leather Question


Active Member
i got my Devils Hand Leather about 2 weeks ago. it came attached to a very small rock, but when i was placing it in the tank the rock fell off. i places the coral and the rock near each other in the spot i had picked out. i noticed it wasn't doing so well and then i checked my parameters and my SG was too low. i raised it up and it looks like its doing much better.
there is a white clear film coming off of the leather, first on the fingers, and now its coming off of the stem. is this normal? what does this mean?
and help would be much appreciated. thanks for your time


try blowing off with a turkey baster as long as the tissue doesnt blow away its fine and just sloathing off a waxy film that they buildup and it will occasionaly do this. If the flesh blows off then its not doing to hot and will need some help.


Active Member
no flesh, just the white film ... im happy its doing so well b.c not to long ago i was about to give up on it and get it out of the tank