leather toadstool, bent?


New Member
Hi, I have a toadstool leather about 10" which is placed midway in a 29 nano. The leather is bent over toward the bottom third at a 70 to 90 degree angle. It has been like this around 3 weeks, always bent, but sometimes switches sides. Recently the polyps extended, but for a while it was bare. The tank has plenty of flow, all parameters are within boundaries and I cannot find any invaders on the leather. I'm at a loss and welcome any thoughts to a remedy.


^^^ yeah I have found my toadstool does not like direct flow, closes and shrivles like the lights are out. only other time he doesn't open is when a coral is dying and polluting the water. Great indicator on water quality.


Active Member
It must have good flow to able to shed it's nasty mucus coat. If it doesn't it will suffocate. If it is too top heavy, cut that sucker up and make some frags. Trade em in to the lfs for credit.