Leather Toadstool Question



I have a Leather Toadstool that has been doing great. Opens every day and stays open all day until I turn out the lights. Sometimes it stays open during the off light hours too.
Today it did not open at all. Is this normal? or is something wrong?
Can a LSP in the sand release toxins that would effect the Toadstool? They are six inches apart?
Any ideas what could be wrong?

yosemite sam

Active Member
How long have you had it? Does it look kind of glassy on the surface? Toadstools shed from time to time, so give it a day or two.


I have had the Toadstool Leather for 2 weeks. He was doing fine until three days ago. He closed up and has not opened.
Yes, he is starting to get a glassy finish on the top. He seems to have good color, moving a little and upright.
Is he sheding?
I did move a stony coral (tongue coral) that I put in the tank last week, away from him. The tongue coral was located beneath the Toadstool and the water flow came up from the Tongue under and by the Toadstool. I thought maybe he didn't like the "new guy" in the tank.
What is your opinion and do you think is really going on?
Checked everything with my water and All O.K. - no change there.


Active Member
if hes getting a glossy finish i would guess he is shedding,
you can take somthing and gently blow water at him to help it along. clean slimy stuff will blow off. after you do this suck up the mucus floating around if any gets away.


My leather will close up from time to time while it sheds, and stay closed for a day or so. Just make sure the leather is receiving decent flow to help it shed. Hopefully that's all that's happening with yours.


:) :) :)
Thanks so much for the input. My Toadstool is OPEN and perfect. He did get a glossy top. Took three days but he is fine.
The message board posting sure helped me!!
Now my finger leather looks like it is doing the same thing. I figure this could be happening, as they are from the same family.
Thanks again for all the support to a new Reefer!