Leather Toadstool


I recently bought a Leather Toadstool and some green eye Zoos. Yesterday morning one of my timers did not work and all day only my blue light was on until about 5:30 pm I noticed my toadstool did not have his polyps out they did not come out for the rest of the night. Could this be a problem or am I getting nervous for nothing. I will not know if he is doing good until I get home tonight.


I wouldn't think a "shady day" alone would trigger that response. Have you checked the other water parameters to make sure they're still in line?


When we added a toadie, it did the same thing. From what I've read and experienced, its most likely going thru its own acclimation to your particular system. They are hardy, but seem to be tempermental at times. Ours prolly took like a week or so before it would stay upright and extend its polyps. They seem to disturb easily, ours will close many times when scraping the glass and yesterday a hermit was on the cup and it was drooping and closed. After I knocked the hermit off, it opened and stood up. Give it at least a week before worrying too much, unless you see some sure signs. HTH and good luck!


Active Member
Glad to hear! :) Toads are so touchy, it could of been shedding. If not, be prepared. It will and won't open for a few days. You'll see a thin layer of "skin" over it or some floating in the current. Kinda like sunburn peel with us.