Leather tree and Cabbage leather Help.Please


Both of my corals are not looking too good.
The Cabbage leather I have had about two months it has kinda of shrunk and getting like dark and jagged around the edges
My white leather tree coral is only about two weeks old and is now starting to droop and not stand as tall.Or try to stand at all.
Water temp is 80-82 deg
Nitrates are less than 15ppm
Nitrites 0
Amm 0
PH 8.3+
Calcium 440+ ppm
123 Gal tank
550 MH
I have water flow directed right at them in the past three days But I am worried.
I know the water I have been using was not RO. (But will be soon) I have only decloh/amm reg tap water .But have had no issues with other coral/ anenomies in past.
What am I doing wrong?