Leaving UT - all live occupants gotta go.


Ive got about 20-25lbs of live fiji rock and ls (it was 2 bags, but I don't know the weight). Ive got a Clown, domino damsel, camel shrimp, arrow crab, pencil urchin, brittle star, bubble anoneme, brown/orange polyps, 15-20 snails, 20 hermits lots of small feather dusters. Tank established for almost 2 years. All in great health. Moving to Texas in about 2 months. Movers will move my equipment, but I can't take my babies. My lfs will take my stuff back and give me 25% on some of my stuff - in store credit - doesn't help much when your moving. Would be great for someone just starting off - you can even take my water (42g) I don't want to ship any of this stuff, cuz I really don't know how. But, if you are in the area - make me an offer.
Hill AFB (near Layton/Ogden)
I don't get notifications - I'll check back every few days, you can email me at misplaced_texan_usaf@yahoo.com if you are in a hurry. Thanks.


A few of the questions posed to me via email were:
*If I would sale individual items - I would rather not, I would like to do a complete take down at one time.
*If I would hold the items - I will for as long as I can. I have to have the equipment torn down when the movers get here (that date is unknown - we just know its going to be about 2 months)
*If I would trade - If it is something that I can store - maybe salt or chemicals or stuff - sure. But nothing live.
*If I have pictures - I do, but I don't know how to post them here. I can email them if you are interested.
I think that covers it. Thanks :)


i would be willing to take the rock if you would like to try to find out how to ship it ?
maybe in a box with wetpaper and and a heat back but we can ask around if you would like to
i would take all the rock


Im trying to avoid shipping, but if I don't get any takers, I will give my fish back to the lfs and mail you the rock. Check back with me in about a month.


Thanks Trevor, its good to know they have a good home. Sniff sniff, really depressing having an empty tank for Christmas.