LED Lighting For Reef Tank???


New Member
I have been looking into alot of lighting options for my tank which is a 46g bow front and every thing seems to be pointing to led's being the the "new wave" in aquarium lighting for many reasons. Energy efficency being the biggest reason that i can see and thats the big reason i will go with leds. i have been looking into a few options and right now i cant afford a 2000.00 lighting system. so i have come across the Marineland Reef capable LED and i have herd many people say good and bad things about the light. I see most people being able to grow soft corals with them but i was thinking about getting two of these and having hard coral as well.
looking for some feed back on my idea or should i just save my money and get a really expensive system? I figure i could get the two marineland models with the timer for around 600$ just dont know if that would be worth it?


if you are handy you might consider building your own. rapid led has some nice kits all ready set up with everything you need as far as parts and pieces.
My 120g is going to cost about 700.00 so I'm guessing you could do a 46g for 300 or so.
These are made with the best LED's available and can be dimmable or non dimmable.


New Member
I have herd about that rapid led i should probally look into that a little more. im just worried about spending 300 to 400 dollars and then putting some thing together wrong lol.


New Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck http:///t/393661/led-lighting-for-reef-tank#post_3502797
Here it is- GHL Mitras LX 6100 HV
yeah that light is every thing you could want and more. it better have a built in movie projector or some thing for that price.
i have been looking a these for a little while too just let me know what you think.