LED/PC custom build idea



ive been reading alot on lighting lately and wanted some input on what you guys think of my idea. these new LED lights pretty much put the watts per gallon thing to rest. so my idea was to build a canopy using standard medium fixtures the kind every old normal lamp has. they are less then 2 bucks each for outdoor types. it will be a 4ft box with 8 fixtures. i'll alternate 4 watt LED bulbs with a 5500 to 6500 K rating and also use 2 10,000K PC's and 2 50/50 actinics PC's. 4 sockets will go on each side of the box (front & back) and alternate the bulbs. LED, 50/50 PC, LED, 10K PC, etc. i also have an old 24 inch flor. fixture i was thinking of mounting to the inside top of the box and running an 03 actinic. i'll put 2 fans in and some mirror or reflective material. btw the LED bulbs are only 4 watts but put out 250 lumens each and are around 15 to 20 bucks. they have a life span of 60000 + hours
this hood should be very energy efficient and low cost and should from what ive been reading be plenty of light for a reef.
what do you guys think? i can send a link to some info if you'd like.