LED to 'Normal' Light Conversion


Active Member
I'm getting a Powerbrite 50/50 system for a tank. I'm just trying to figure what that is equivalent to. The website says it has (4) 1 watt LED's producing 50 - 60 lumens each.
Anyone know the 'conversion rate'?


Active Member
LEDs are much more efficient converters of electrical energy to light energy than fluorescent or MH, which is why they are the future of lighting.
I'm not sure what the ratio of output is, but I'm guessing its in the magnitude of 10:1 or so. I'm hoping someone here can provide more exact numbers.


Active Member
From my catalog.
GE 100w A19 frosted bulb =1680 lumen's
Your going to need a WHOLE LOT MORE LEDS, just to equal that.
They are more efficient at producing light, if you look at the 100 watt bulb, it's delivering around 16.8 lumen's per watt. The LED is doing over 3 times that.
BTW the 100 watt incandescent might be enough power for a low lit, shallow tank. But not likely enough for much more than that. Also, this is not a full spectrum bulb. It's very probable that a FS would produce less light per watt. Maybe we have some old timers who will chime in on incandescent use with reefs.
Additionally part of the effeiciency is in bulb life with miminal par loss. !0yrs. is a incredible life for a bulb.


Active Member
I emailed the company, and they said that normal fluorscents produce 30 lumens of light per watt. The LEDs produce 60 - 80 lumens per watt. So its an improvement of 2 - 3x over fluorescents, and given your 17 lumens/watt for the good ol' incandescent, that's a 4 - 5x improvement.
Not everything I was expecting, but not bad at all.


Active Member
BUT>>>> Lumens arent what your after for photosynthesis. I cant tell you what PAR the incandexcent might have........Also, the visible light output put any specific lamop is varialbe with different circumstances. The light you have is going to do you no god as is for a reef.


Active Member
The powerbrite LED system is causing a lot of confusion in the hobby from what I've seen due to clever marketing. The manufacturer doesn't exactly go out of their way to make it clear, but you'll often find these things marketed with words like "Subtle" and "Supplementary" in their descriptions.
They are not suitable as primary lighting. It may create a bit of a glow in the tank, but will by no means provide for a well lit tank, for reef or otherwise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
BUT>>>> Lumens arent what your after for photosynthesis. I cant tell you what PAR the incandexcent might have........Also, the visible light output put any specific lamop is varialbe with different circumstances. The light you have is going to do you no god as is for a reef.

BOY Howdy, you can tell I was just getting my first cup of coffee when I wrote this cant ya!


Active Member
Even better to know, after I cancelled the order on that setup.
Nice to see my tuition dollars (RPI '04) and your tax dollars being put to suck good work.