lemonpeel angel?


The old wives tale says if it lives 30 days it will do fine. 5 of us bought them here at different times. Mine lasted 27 days. The longest. I am not a fan. Even my LFS tried to talk me out of the purchase. Told me it wouldnt last a month. He was right. My lfs really is concerned with keeping lifetime customers. Wont sell with out giving his opinion first. Worth any extra I might have spent.
[ May 18, 2001: Message edited by: Rickt4du ]


Active Member
i agree with rick. i asked about one too for my 38 gallon but decided not too. not a very hardy fellow. there is a heralds angel that looks much like a lemonpeel but w/o the blue that i think is a bit hardier. later, bo


I have never owned a lemon peel but have had friends that have lost one, not to hardy. If you are looking for a small angle, try a Coral Beauty, very hardy. Good Luck
I couldn't live without mine (the girls at work calls it Daisy)but they can be a little tough in the begining. If you want to try a lemonpeel make a special request at the LFS or even here at SWF. Ask them to order or send you a no size or tiny one. The smaller the better. If you order it from the LFS arrange it so that you can pick it up before it goes into their tank. Take it home and double your normal acclimation time into a QUARANTINE TANK (remember you haven't seen this fish yet). Feed twice a day first with live brine second (6-8 hours later)with a good quality flake. Keep the water conditions good and the lighting low. After 30 days add to your main tank. I have one and have succesfully quarantined three others for friends this way. It seems like a lot of trouble but to have a hardy one swimming around the tank makes it worth it. IMHO


Hi..Yeah Lemon Peel is not easy fish for now.
I have been having that fish for 4days....I bought angel formula for him to get variety of nutirent he needs..
He's doing just fine..i got very small one around 2 inch long.. hopely he can live longer than 30 days..
Good Luck..
[ May 19, 2001: Message edited by: moga ]