Leopard Shark & Sea Bass


New Member
would it be wise to house a 6" Sea Bass in the same tank as a 16" Leopard Shark? the sea bass is some what spiney... i fear that he might stick the shark if he swims too close. both would be in the same 180 tube while the 240gal stand is being reconstructed.
thx a bunch.


Active Member
Depends on the species of Sea Bass.
You are aware that it's now illegal to keep Leopard Sharks, under 3' long, right? Thousands of dollars, in fines and they're handing out jail time, as well.
On top of that, quadruple that 240gal. tank and you're still not in the neighborhood of the right size tank, for it.


New Member
thx plenty for the info AW2x3 but everything you are saying about the leopard shark i am already completely aware of... i have had him for some time and since he was about 7 1/2" long.... he isn't going anywhere... next year he will be in a shark pond with about an estimated 2,800 gallons... the 240 has been his holding tank for some time now...
the bass is a Kelp Bass btw... sorry for not being more specific.


Active Member
Sea Bass are not venomous so it shouldn't be a big deal. As the Leopard gets older, you're gonna have to worry about it attacking/killing/eating the other fish, tho.
What other fish do you keep and what's the setup(s) like?
Welcome to the board, by the way!


New Member
hey thanks a bunch...
im glad to be here
well i have a 100 gallon Reef 2x 175 20K MH w/ a male & female bird wrasse, blue tang, about 3 yellows, powder blue, a few True Perc clowns and some others. + a bunch of corals.
a friend of mine directed me to the forum because he says that i have been keeping the shark all wrong, so now i am trying to do what i can "Correctly" before the pond is completed mid next year. i am looking forward to keeping him long term if possible so i know i have alot to learn so please bare with me.
the 240 only had the leopard in it while it was running and i will be adding the Kelp Bass today to the 180 tub. thank you much for the info on that... i was pretty unsure about him...I am currently in the process of acclimating the bass. if the leopard eats the kelp bass, that will be just fine
the leopard was kept in the 240 with no LR... just swimming room... nothing to block or cut him since i was afraid of bacterial infections... when the 240 goes back up in about 3-4 months i will be replacing pretty much ALL my current "OLD" filtration plus be looking into a few more things that i dont have which i was told i need. i was running a simple canister filter in a plastic 50 gallon barrel filled with bio balls that i cleaned out every other month along with a fairly large skimmer that i dont remember what make / model it was. all of my old filtration was sold off to help with the financing of the new stand, and now im looking for some other stuff for when the fresh set up is complete
i hope some people have some used stuff here for sale at decent prices, i was told there is

i have a bunch of plans for the next tank decoration wise, but im not too sure how it will all turn out, im still in the process of studying my options


Active Member
While purchasing equipment, for the tank/pond, keep in mind that Leopards are cold water species, living only on the Pacific Coast and require water temps from 65 - 70 degrees. Anything warmer than that and it will have detrimental effects on the shark. You're looking at several thousand dollars, for a chiller that'll be adequate for tank/pond that size.
They'll also grow to aprox. 6.5'...and unfortunately, that 2,800gal. pond still isn't going to be big enough, in the long run.


New Member
i am aware of the chiller size/cost for the one for the pond that is why he wont have the pond till mid to late next year
the chiller i had running on the 240 (till i sold it) i bought for $300 off Craigs list... im hoping i can find another some time soon, before the tank is complete... as of right now, the tub is in my storage shed next to my house and the temp has not rose about 68, even when temps outside have been mid to high 70's... average temp is about 59-62.
im sure that this forum should be the best place to gather info, since the person that would normally care for the shark over the past year or so has recently passed away in a car accident
so i have no idea what vitamins to give or how to prepare them... all of the food for the shark was prepared elsewhere then brought here... now im forced to learn everything i can as fast as i can... im sure you can understand my frustration... :help:


Active Member
This forum is a great place to gather knowledge...you're just hitting us at the wrong time, as no one here is currently keeping Leopards and I dont know of anyone here that's EVER kept them.
I have a somewhat limited knowledge from helping care for Leopards at Shedd Aquarium, in Chicago, along with the Cat Shark species.


New Member
hmm... i guess i should start another thread in a bit searching for a good care contact so i can learn what i have to before its too late
for the past 2 weeks i have only been feeding him jumbo shrimp... im sure he needs more then that...


New Member
well the shark did not seem too fond of the Bass, he even tried to jump out the tub... SooOOoo, on that note... the bass has been removed.


Active Member
Another thread isn't needed...this is the sub-forum for all of us aggressive guys. You'll get more info.
Diet-wise, you need to be feeding (along with the shrimp) octopus, squid and ocean fish filets (only wild caught fish - it'll say so on the packaging)...fish like Grouper, Snapper, Salmon, etc.


New Member
hey thx much AW... i will make a run to the store tonight when i go let this Kelp Bass go at NewPort Beach
i would cook him if he was a few inches larger :happyfish
anyone out there know what kind of vitamins i need to be giving this guy, where i can get them, and how they should be prepared?


Active Member
i dont evan know where to start but i will just add welcoe to the forum..
take this next comment with all do respect...
if your looking for bargains and deals on equiptment its going to be hard to put up a 2800 gallon pond.
"bargains and deals" dont apply when your looking for a COMMERCIAL skimmer rated for 3000 gallons... your skimmer alone will be well into the thousands .. not to mention how you would filter a pond that large..
cost of salt to get it runnign will also be in the thousands of dollars and wait tilly ou have to do a water change if needed.. also top-off water alone will be very costly.. like runnign a household..also if you planned on a somewhat biological way to filter the pond such as liverock you would need at least a few thousand pounds which costs 4-8 dollars A pound... im sure you could do the math for that cost..
a 2800 gallon pond COULD cost just as much as building a small house
also no offense but your firsat shark should be 1. illegal and 2. not a requim shark that gets 6.5 feet long .
your going to have to learn about sharks and learn about them quickly
the most important thing that you should consider right now is getting caught. Like AW said if you get caught witht hat shark you will be facing more fines that you can imagine and most likely some jail time..
all in all its a great idea, and although it has been done, for most people its just a pipe dream..
Anyway how bout some pics??


New Member
just added another bag of fine crushed aragonite.... water is a bit murky... i will post after water clears...
as to looking for deals
im not looking for a single deal regarding the pond...
im looking for another 50 gallon container for a drip filter, a larger sump possibly, some bio balls, and MAYBE another skimmer IF i choose a used one over purchasing new
the pond has been completely calculated and drawn up by people that build shark ponds out here in OC California... by sometime mid to late next year when we sell our house, im sure i will have enough to "Build a Small house" as you put it, even after the new home is purchased. Equity has been a blessing to some here in Southern Cali.
all i need is a few small things and a little information in taking care of my animal and getting this 240 back up and running.... maybe it was a little too soon to mention a pond... maybe it wasn't... either way... AW seemed to ask me about the future of my little friend, i politely explained my plans.
im not overly concerned about fines or jail time... been there, done that... i would just like to learn how to take care of my shark... and the next time fish and game stops by my house, i will paint the shark silver and call it a smooth hound. :joy: (my uncle has worked for and STILL works for F&G for 18 years now)


Active Member
Liable, welcome to the boards.
I'm locking this thread. You've said yourself keeping this creature in captivity is illegal. We don't want to condone illegal practices by allowing this discussion to progress.
While I hope you find the proper info and care for this creature, the reality is it is better off in the wild. As Moderators we want to promote healthy, good, and legal practices to further this hobby and the protection of all critters in the oceans.