leopard shark


New Member
I have a 125 gal tank with 80 lbs. of live sand. My tank still has alot of ammonia in it. If I add live rock will it help cycle the tank?? The shark is about 13-14". Last time he was breathing heavily I added more enzyme 9 and he was fine the next day. Any tips????


New Member
It wasn't cycled all the way. The shark was givin to me from a friend who's tank had developed stress cracks. So it was kind of a emergency deal. We were going to take it to the local fish store but he didn't want to be responsible for it. I have everything in the setup, uv light, wet/dry, and skimmer.


Leopard sharks do not belong in 125 gallon tanks first off. They are too small and will cause massive amounts of stress on your shark. No amount of stress coat will alleviate him either. If you add live rock the shark will almost certainly scratch himself on it and die from infection. Your best bet is to get him into a more suitable home as soon as possible. He will need at least a 280 at that length.